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South Africa Artist-in-residence Programme

​日期:10 JUL 2023 - 31 JUL 2023

           01 AUG 2023 - 14 AUG 2023

在我們主辦海外藝術家駐留計劃中,同學可以和本地南非藝術家進行陶藝課程,探訪本地藝術家和全非洲最大的藝術館。透過南非生態遊、參觀 歷史遺產 -世界最早的植物園等認識非洲生態,更可以與策展人參加策展工作坊,最後在南非的國家記念建築-Rust-en-Vrede Gallery中舉辦展覽,展示駐留計劃中所學到的知識。

In our overseas artists-in-residence programme, students can take pottery classes with local South African artists, visit local artists and the largest art gallery in Africa. They will also learn about African ecology through eco-tours, visits to the world's oldest botanical gardens, and join curatorial workshops with curators, exhibit their art work in the Rust-en-Vrede Gallery, South Africa's national monument, which will showcase what they have learned on the programme.

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緣分到了 就會…識conditioned ...To meet

​展覽日期:07 JAN 2022 - 19 JAN 2022


The exhibition is about The Eight Consciousnesses from Heart Sutra - one of the classic readings . Artists from different aspects gathered to utilize what they have learned and to further enhance their understanding about the Buddhism.

莫碧瑩(藝術系) 梁穎珊(藝術系)

​ 參展人:
莫碧瑩(藝術系) 梁穎珊(藝術系)
張若菲(藝術系) 李鎧而(藝術系)
馮敏愉(哲學系) 崔皓然(哲學系)
陳綽佑(哲學系) 馮綺雯(歷史系)
余雅喬(歷史系) 黃思敏(歷史系)
翁俊傑(歷史系) 龍子譽(文化研究系)


2020 Neo-Anthropocene

​展覽日期:05 JUN 2021 - 13 JUN 2021


Two Fine Arts students from The Chinese University of Hong Kong curated the art exhibition "2020 Neo-Anthropocene" in 2021. Take the initiative to gather youth power and recall social issues with art practice. There are artworks depicting different daily observations and “apocalypse” experiences of the young generation in 2020 to our beloved city. In the year of catastrophes, the inability of words, the forgotten faces, and those suffering traps, let’s foresee what will happen next. It's 2021, or perhaps, 2020 isn't quite over yet. 



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策展人 Curator:
梁穎珊 Leung Wing Shan
莫碧瑩 Mok Pik Ying

參展人 Artist:
鄭泳盺 Cheng Wing Yan
徐雪慧 Chui Suet Wai
何芍韻 Ho Ashley
何知穎 Ho Chi Wing

劉家俊 Lau Ka Chun
梁穎珊 Leung Wing Shan
李芷媚 Li Tsz Mei
莫碧瑩 Mok Pik Ying
吳詠詩 Wing Sze Ng
盛琬桐 Shing Yuen Tung
譚詩茵 Tam Sze Yan
丘    山 Yau Shan
余沅榆 Yur Yuen Yu


Co-founded in 2020, based in Hong Kong
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