合作項目 - 尋找大象
2021 社區文化大使 Community Cultural Ambassador
尋找大象 - 社區聲音地圖集
life with elephant Community sound mapping
Project Site: https://www.lifewithelephant.com
計劃詳情: 《尋找大象 》是以「社區聲音地圖集 Community Sound Mapping」去進行地區的行動研究 – 計劃、行動、觀察、反省;期望以「大象」作為引旨,走進社區,邀請街坊一同去尋找這隻看不見的「大象」。創作團隊以六區:九龍城、葵涌、粉嶺、馬灣、 坪洲及南丫島為據點,從小城到小島,將以關注現代人的身心健康為切入,以計劃扣問「留低的意願」。 Project Details: The programme aims at raising the awareness of physical and mental health of modern people by carrying out community sound mapping in six districts, i.e. Kowloon City, Kwai Chung, Fanling, Ma Wan, Lamma Island and Peng Chau. ‘Elephant’ refers to the idiom ‘the elephant in the room’, meaning an obvious problem that no one wants to discuss. The programme wishes to use elephant as a precursor to go into the community and invite the general public to look into the invisible ‘elephant’ (problems) together and find out ‘the willingness to stay behind’.
Draw the cover map Campaign
Community Sound Map - - - - - - - - - - - - - Online Launch Event
Map Design
Visual Design
Linkage with
SoundCloud, website, social media and printing materials
- to enhance the connection between project content with final print product.
- Coordinate content with artists and designer.
- to enhance user experience.
- to enhance user experience.
- to maintain map functionality.
- We study different platforms to match the content.
Proudly present with talented visual designer Tsz Lun Gaw,
based in Taiwan.
🐘在時刻保持社交距離的生活中,身體經驗開始被淘汰,但我們卻依然渴望「歸屬感」。日常生活交織着線性的重復,在有限的生活空間和碎片化的時空中,我們能否從混亂意識中跟自己身處的社區重新聯繫? 《尋找大象》透過訪問及構作,對日常節奏作出凝視與沉思,在我城的大街小巷遊走記錄社區變遷,從角落的迴音帶出「留低的人」的扣問。 來一起見證「變幻原是永恆」,拿起一份*《尋找大象 》- 社區聲音地圖集地圖*🗺,帶上耳機🎧,跟著故事尋找到家鄉的大象。量度象的邊界,計算象的面積,還會和你記憶中的大象一樣嗎?🐘
Date:12 June
Time:5 pm
Location:坪洲 Islanders Space
5-6pm Solo World Music by Nelson Hiu
6-7pm Project sharing
7-8:30pm Closing party
尋找大象在社區 Life With Elephant - Homecoming
Date: 14 - 30 June 2022
Location: 灣仔富德樓14樓後樓梯
^ 六區實體社區聲音地圖取閱🗂
^ 貓珊 Maoshan Connie 地圖插畫🖼
^ 大象在社區聲音裝置體驗